Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca, Peru, 2013: We had the opportunity to stay with a host family for around 3 days. The family had 4 kids, and all lived together. The father was the only member of the family who spoke a bit of english, but it was really fun to play with the kids, and they were so used to having American/ foreign tourists come to their house that they immediately asked for my phone to play with when we got settled in. This was a shot that I took on our last day on Taquile Island, before we got into the boat again to ride to another island within Lake Tititcaca. That day, we went to the unique and amazing Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca, which are basically huge stacks of reed like plants to form islands, surrounded by boats, houses, and other islands made of the totora plant as well. It was an amazing experience. 

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